Contacts: Why Daily Disposables?

Contacts: Why Daily Disposables?

What’s this new trend that everyone who wears contacts are talking about? Daily Disposables?

“I thought I was already in one?”

First, let’s get the terminology correct. Chances are, you are in a disposable contact, but not a daily disposable. You are probably wearing a pair of contacts every day for either 2 weeks to a month and then disposing of them. These are called bi-weekly disposables or monthly disposables. Daily disposables are contacts that you dispose of every single day! Yep, you don’t reuse these contacts. That’s why they are the best type of contacts out there right now.

“Why are they the best to use?”


  • Lowest risk of eye infection. (Most important risk to an eye doctor like me). You’re not putting the same contacts back in your eye that has been collecting dust, allergens, bacteria from mucous congestion, etc.


  • No Eye Infection, no emergency pink eye visits. Saves you money and protects the health of your eye. Emergency office visits because of a swollen, light sensitive, mucous discharging eye can be a more expensive one than just a regular comprehensive and contact lens fitting visit. First you have to spend money on the visit. Second, you are prescribed an eye drop to treat your eye and those can cost around $100. Are you going to be taking chances and reuse those other contacts and “Make them last”?

  • No Solution Costs! Did you know the average contact lens wearer spends at least $120/year on solution. You don’t calculate it because you buy it every 2 weeks or a month at a time. Now you can cut these costs with Daily disposables!

  • It’s a Fresh New Pair, Everyday = Convenience. The convenience of not having to clean and reuse the same contacts is one of the biggest advantages of Daily Disposables. Imagine if you had to wear the same shirt for 2 weeks everyday before washing it? Replace that with your bi-weekly and monthly disposables concept. Gross huh? With dailies, when you travel, you don’t have to worry about packing “travel size” solution. When you play sports, you always have a back up and don’t feel like you are wasting it.


Daily Disposables are the new trend in contacts. In other countries like Europe and Asia, over 50% of their contact lens users are in Dailies. Why aren’t the users of the US population? Laziness? Too many choices? It’s too expensive? Think again, come see Dr. Tran and the staff of College Optical Express and get fitted for your dailies.